Outreach – Jesus Acts through Us

Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care ministry brings comfort, care, and connection to those in need.

Prayer Chain

This is a quiet ministry, but one that is a core of our church. It provides quick and continual prayer as requests are passed along to the Prayer Chain members, with each member praying in their own time, place and way.

Lay Eucharistic Ministry

The Lay Eucharistic visitors bring Holy Communion to those who cannot attend our regular services because of illness, disability, or other hindrance.

Backpacks For Kids

This is a coalition of local congregations, including Church of the Resurrection, that provides backpacks and school supplies for kids in need in the Bellevue School District.

Hearts and Hammers

This is a collaborative ministry supported by congregations of the Lake Hills Interfaith Covenant. Over one weekend in May, teams of volunteers provide labor and supplies to help with major household repairs, small renovations, yard-work and cleaning for a number of households.

Mission to Seafarers

This ministry serves the needs of international seafarers who periodically dock in the Port of Seattle. This is a collaborative ministry with many congregations providing “ditty bags” filled with necessary items for the mariners.

United Thank Offering

UTO is a worldwide, year-round devotional program for individuals and families sponsored by the Episcopal Church, focusing on giving daily thanks for the blessings in our everyday lives.

Holiday Baskets

We donate grocery gift cards to be included in food baskets for several local families identified through neighborhood schools.

Humane Society

We collect towels for the local chapter.

Congregations For The Homeless

This interfaith program based on the Eastside provides temporary housing for up to thirty homeless men, in collaboration with local congregations, whose support includes sharing in the preparation and serving of meals across the year. We provide meals in May.